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Welcome to Woodfield Infant School

Happily learning together. Be Kind. Be Responsible. Be Hardworking. This is the Woodfield Way.


We believe that music should be taught as a practical subject with lots of hands on music making. Children are involved in singing and playing instruments in every lesson where they can learn to develop their varied musical skills and analyse the music they hear.


The Woodfield music curriculum develops skills of listening, performing and evaluating. All children are given the opportunity to develop their enjoyment and understanding of music. They are taught to listen with attention and appreciation, and to perform with increasing accuracy and sense of performance.


Music supports other areas of the curriculum, allowing links to be made with prior and future learning. For example, in the topic of Extreme Weather, children created music to describe weather conditions, reinforcing vocabulary and understanding.


Music also supports pupils’ wider school experience. It develops skills, attributes and ideas such as

  • Decision making
  • Problem solving
  • Listening
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Self confidence
  • Perseverance
  • Involvement
  • Self-control
  • Cultural awareness


Throughout all of the music curriculum, children are expected to use our ‘Learning Powers’. For example, they will need to be resourceful when selecting instruments to use in composition and be reflective when evaluating their own and others’ performances.


The whole school sings together every week during singing assembly, when songs are often chosen to reflect and develop our core values, learning powers and cultural events.


We have a thriving school choir which meets after school. We take part in singing events throughout the school year, going out into the local community to share our enjoyment of music with others.


We endeavour to ensure that the music curriculum we provide, will give children the confidence, enthusiasm and skills to develop their musical understanding throughout their education and beyond.


Special Educational Needs and Music

Effective quality first teaching is the key to enabling all children to participate and develop their scientific knowledge and skills. Adaptation within lessons is a vital component to ensure that a balance of support and challenge is achieved by all learners.


Challenge and support specific to music may include:

  • Physical support to play instruments
  • Pre-teaching of vocabulary
  • Providing picture clues or using Makaton
  • Providing alternative ways to record


Pupils not secure within a lesson sequence are noted and adjustments made to ensure that the children can succeed.  Similarly, added challenge is given to those pupils requiring it. This may be through questioning or the use of different instruments.

What do children learn?

Progression in Music
