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Welcome to Woodfield Infant School

Happily learning together. Be Kind. Be Responsible. Be Hardworking. This is the Woodfield Way.

Key Stage 1 Curriculum

On this page you will find information about our KS1 curriculum; intent, implementation and impact. Information about the teaching and learning content of each year group (long term plans) and each term (curriculum planners) can be found towards that bottom of the page.

KS1 Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement


At Woodfield we aim to create a nurturing, caring and stimulating environment where children feel happy, safe and develop a love for learning.  We ensure to create a learning environment which is inspiring, encouraging and where children are actively involved with their learning.  We help each other be the best we can be and ensure everybody feels a part of our Woodfield team.


Happily learning together.

Be kind, be responsible, be hardworking.

This is the Woodfield Way.



At Woodfield Infant School, we want our children to be excited, engaged and curious to learn and we also want them to be able to confidently talk about themselves as learners. We provide a supportive, nurturing environment in which for them to learn; an environment in which every child can flourish and become well rounded, emotionally healthy citizens.


Our school values and learning powers underpin everything that we do in school. Through our values we focus on kindness, responsibility, hard work. We teach the children what they mean, how to show them and how to recognise when someone else is showing them. Alongside our values, we also have our learning jungle and our learning powers. These are skills that we feel are essential for children and adults to build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers and effective, confident learners with a passion for learning. The learning powers are: to concentrate, to be resilient, to be curious, to co-operate and to self-improve.


We are lucky enough to be situated in a beautiful part of the country, with easy access to a variety of features which can support the learning experience for our children. We live in the birthplace of Charles Darwin with the longest river in Britain flowing through it. We make use of our immediate local environment for many curriculum areas including geography, history and science and draw upon this knowledge to make comparisons with areas further afield. This approach builds up the children’s sense of who they are and where they live.


The curriculum at Woodfield follows the National Curriculum and has been designed to suit the needs of our children and our community. It is a progressive curriculum, with high aspirations for all, a curriculum which gives the children the broad and exciting learning opportunities that we want for them. We draw upon a range of themes and topics to use as the stimulus through which clear concepts, knowledge and skills are taught and developed. We also draw upon enrichment and Cultural Capital to add context to our curriculum offer and we engage the wider community by involving them in the life of our school. 


In order for our children to meet age related expectations, the curriculum at Woodfield is a progressive curriculum. The experiences, knowledge and skills gained in EYFS are built upon in Year One and again in Year Two. We focus on developing pupils' aspirations and demonstrating possibilities for their learning journey in to the next key stage and for their future lives. 



The curriculum offer at Woodfield is enhanced through the use of quality texts. Texts which have been carefully chosen and developed into a reading spine of books that we want the children to become familiar with, to know and love as a Woodfield pupil. These books reflect the children’s interests, cross curricular topics and cultural diversity.


The long term plan also highlights key dates and celebrations throughout the year; enriching the Cultural Capital. These ‘Special Days’ are celebrated by the whole school with visitors invited into school to help us to celebrate them. These days broaden the curriculum offer and allow for first hand experiences of important times; these first-hand experiences help the children to place knowledge and skills into context, build upon prior knowledge and lay the foundations for future experiences.


Visits away from school, or visitors into school, also compliment the planned curriculum. When planning for enhanced experiences careful consideration is given to the cost of the activity and our Pupil Premium Grant funding is used to ensure inclusion for all.


Throughout Key Stage 1, the children are working towards an agreed set of end points for each curriculum area. Further information about each curriculum area can be found on our curriculum pages.


The use of long term plans, medium term plans and short term plans for each of area of the National Curriculum are in place with clearly defined progression grids. Sequences of learning, with identified key knowledge and facts have been arranged into knowledge organisers which support the planning for each curriculum unit of work. This knowledge is taught using a range of metacognition strategies (learning powers) to support how children make progress form one year to the next. 


Planning, teaching and learning is monitored by all teachers, alongside subject leads, the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and the Local Governing Body (LGB) throughout the year. This is mapped out using our monitoring and evaluation cycle. A variety of monitoring techniques are used including book looks, learning walks and pupil voice conferences. Monitoring ensures that curriculum coverage, consistency, compliance and appropriate pitch and expectation is progressive within the subject areas.



In order to ensure that the children are making progress in relation to age related expectations (AREs), we draw upon a range of formative and summative assessment practices throughout Year 1 and Year 2.


Summative assessments in reading, writing and mathematics take place towards the end of each term. These include NFER standardised assessments, Salford reading assessments and phonics assessments. These assessments aid the teachers in making robust teacher assessments of the children to ensure that expected progress is being made and, where this isn’t happening, additional activities can be put in place to support the children in making progress. Termly Pupil Progress meetings where each child is discussed take place between the class teachers and the SLT. During these meetings, all aspects of the children’s educational journey are discussed, including their social, emotional, mental health and well-being.


The progress of all children is celebrated, whether it be academic progress or progress in social, emotional or independence skills and the children leave us at the end of Year 2 and make the move to Key Stage 2 ready to begin the next stage of their journey.


We are proud of the academic standards children achieve at Woodfield. The attainment outcomes for children at Woodfield, at the end of Year 2, are consistently above national standards for reading, writing and maths both at the expected standard and at the greater depth standard.


Smooth transition processes and learning progression documents are in place to support children as they move into Key Stage 2.  Children leave Key Stage 1 with the skills, knowledge and confidence to continue their journey as learners in all areas of the curriculum.

Curriculum Planners for Parents

Each term we send home a curriculum planner for parents, an example of which can be seen below. These planners provide additional information about each of the curriculum areas being covered. Parents have told us that these planners are helpful to bring about discussions with their children about what they are learning at school. They also enable parents to engage in out of school learning with their children. We don't set photocopiable sheets as homework for children as we believe that these are of extremely limited benefit in moving children's learning on. Instead, we prefer that parents discuss what their children are learning in school (using the planners) and look at the everyday application of this learning in the world around them. For example, when children are learning about structures in school, parents showing children structures around them, e.g. bridges, pylons, architecture, sculptures, scaffolding, etc. can really help children to understand the everyday application of what they have learned in school. 


Further examples of these planners can be found by clicking on the 'Parents' Planners' link below. 


For more information about the subjects we teach at Key Stage 1, please click on the subject link below. 
