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Welcome to Woodfield Infant School

Happily learning together. Be Kind. Be Responsible. Be Hardworking. This is the Woodfield Way.

Food at School - School Dinners, Fruit and Milk

School Grid  -  our new platform for ordering school dinners

We are excited to announce that we will be implementing a new software called SchoolGrid for the ordering and payment of your child's school meals, starting from July 2024.  Please note:  payment only applies for children in nursery, not children in reception, year 1 and year 2 who are in receipt of Universal Free School Meals. 

With SchoolGrid, you can easily order your child's meals with just a few clicks. To get started, SchoolGrid will be sending you a welcome email with instructions on how to activate your account and create your password. Please note that in order for your account to be created, we will be sharing your information with SchoolGrid. You can view SchoolGrid’s Privacy Policy on the following link:

You can order on a daily, weekly, monthly or even termly basis. The system will allow you to place as many orders in advance as you like, up to the point the menu has been opened for. You can also make a same-day order up to 8:55am.


Please remember to cancel your order if your child will not be having the meal at lunchtime, otherwise you may still be charged. This also helps cut down on food wastage.


Whilst, children at Woodfield Infant School are eligible for Universal Free School Meals and there is no payment for meals required; menu choices will be required to be made.

Payment refers to children who are enrolled in our Nursery only:

If you pay for your child’s meals, then you have two options on SchoolGrid. You can top up your account by making a card payment or alternatively, you can set up a Direct Debit. To place an order, you need to ensure you have the relevant credit on your account or a Direct Debit set up. If you do not have these, you will be unable to order and receive a reminder message to make payment.  With Direct Debit, SchoolGrid collects the payment on a monthly basis. Your Direct Debit amount can vary depending on the amount of meals taken within the period so a statement will be sent to you two weeks prior to the collection, detailing the exact date and the amount to be collected, as well as all the meals included.


We hope that you find SchoolGrid easy to use and convenient for ordering and paying for your child's school meals. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch directly with SchoolGrid support, they can be contacted via email on or by telephone on 01506 300310.

There is also the following video available to highlight how the system will work: Parent Introduction

Introducing our New Menu  -  September 2024


We are delighted to share with you our new menu which launches at the beginning of the Autumn Term.


We have put together a new set of weekly menus featuring many of the most popular dishes along with some seasonal variations to take advantage of fresh seasonal produce.  We hope the children at Woodfield will enjoy the new menus.

!!  We have a Five Star Food Hygiene Rating !!


The Environmental Health Team came at the end of term to undertake their Full Inspection.  We scored a maximum rating of 5 in the statutory compliance!!! 


We would like to thank our amazing kitchen team for all of their hard work in feeding everyone and doing such an amazing job smiley




Our Mouthwatering Meals!

A great deal of thought goes into our food choices to ensure the menus are nutritionally balanced and created for your child’s development and enjoyment.  

In addition to our menu, available daily are:


  • Freshly Made Bread
  • Selection of Salads and Fresh Fruit
  • Assorted Yoghurts
  • Vegetarian Vegan options always available.


Special Diets also form an important part of the catering provision we offer, catering for those children with an intolerance to specific foods, for example:

  • Food Intolerance
  • Food Allergy
  • Food Aversion
  • Medical Conditions
  • Ethnic Minority Groups


If your child requires a special diet or you would like to discuss this menu in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact our Mrs Morrison our Head Cook who will be pleased to help.


Nut Allergies and Water in School

We have some children in our school who suffer from a severe reaction to nuts.  Please could you be extra vigilant about packed lunches or any snacks you send into school.  Please ensure no sandwich fillings have nuts or traces of nuts. If packed lunches include processed/ packaged items, please check the ingredients.  


We encourage children to drink water to ensure they remain hydrated during the school day.   Please send your child in with a water bottle every day. Please do not send anything other than water; the bottles are accessible to all children in class / school and we have a range of allergies, intolerances and medical needs that could be exacerbated by non water drinks.


We appreciate you help with this; it is for the safety of the whole school community.

Free School Meals

Whilst the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for Government Funded Universal Free School Meals, if you think you may be entitled to Free School Meals, please take a look at the Shropshire Council website.  The application is quick and easy.  Parents and carers can make an application online here


School Fruit

All children are offered a piece of fruit or a vegetable each day through the free fruit for school scheme. This could be an apple, orange, carrot, pear, sugar snap peas, raisins, etc. Children eat their fruit in class either just before or just after playtime.



Woodfield School provides a milk scheme for all our pupils. If you would like your child to receive milk you will need to register your child with ‘Cool Milk’. Children who are under the age of 5 are entitled to free milk but you still need to register your child if you would like them to receive milk in school. Once a child reaches the age of 5, milk can still be provided but this will be at a cost of 31p per day. Once registered, children will be provided with a small bottle of semi skimmed milk as part of their morning snack.


You can register your child at

  • We recommend that you register online as soon as possible. Shortly after registering you will receive a payment request if your child is 5 years old or older.
  • You can pay Cool Milk either online, over the phone, at a local Pay Point or by cheque in half-termly, termly or annual instalments sent to Cool Milk. Please do not send any milk payment to school.
  • Please pay by Tuesday 5pm for your child’s milk to start the following week.


This scheme is operated by Cool Milk therefore if you have any questions regarding school milk please visit or contact Cool Milk directly on 0844 854 2913. Please note that, by signing up for this scheme, you will be agreeing to share information about your child with Cool Milk. This will, in turn, be shared with the school and we will confirm that your child is registered here and what class they are in. By registering for the scheme, you are agreeing to us processing this data, in line with GDPR regulations.

Our fabulous kitchen team & special menus
