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Welcome to Woodfield Infant School

Happily learning together. Be Kind. Be Responsible. Be Hardworking. This is the Woodfield Way.


Contact details:

Our SENCo is Beck Preece

Contact details are:


Working Together to Help Every Child Succeed

At Woodfield, we value the contributions made by all children, professionals and parents to help develop our inclusive school community.


‘Special educational provision goes beyond normal differentiated and personalised teaching and learning approaches, it is individual provision that is additional to or different from that made for other children of the same age.’

Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (July 2014)


Woodfield Infant School aims to: 

  • Ensure that all pupils reach their full educational potential and that pupils make good progress regardless of any Special Educational Need, Learning difficulty, disability or disadvantage.
  • Recognise and assess additional needs through early identification and timely intervention to ensure that everything possible is implemented to remove or overcome barriers to learning at the earliest opportunity. 
  • Personalise provision, enabling all pupils to access the curriculum and achieve their full potential. 
  • Actively involve parents and carers in any decisions affecting their child’s education. 


To achieve these aims, staff at Woodfield ensure that: 

  • Everyone has the highest aspirations and expectations for every child. 
  • Provision is adapted accordingly and is responsive and matched to individual children's needs. 
  • Extended and outreach services provision makes a difference to outcomes for children and their families. 
  • Every child is able to access all areas of school life. 


Provision is made to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND within the four broad areas of need:

  • Communication and Language 
  • Cognition and Learning 
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH) 
  • Sensory and Physical Needs


Identification of children with SEND

Throughout the school, formal and informal assessments take place. These assessments help to identify a child who: 

  • is significantly behind their peers who have started from the same baseline 
  • fails to match or better their previous rate of progress 
  • fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers 
  • widens the attainment gap between the child and their peers

We may feel that a child requires a bit of extra support to ensure that they don’t fall behind. Parents are always informed if we are putting in additional support for their children.


Sometimes the barrier to learning and making progress is identified as being a social, emotional or mental health issue, a sensory need or a physical need. Whatever the barrier to learning is considered to be, further advice may be sought from outside professionals.


Where children arrive from a previous setting already identified as having a special educational need liaison will take place between Woodfield Infant School and the previous setting so that transfer can be as smooth as possible for these children and their families. 


For children starting at Woodfield, the EYFS team and SENCo will liaise with nursery settings to ensure that there is good transition and transfer of information. This will also involve parents and other professionals where appropriate. 


Assessment of children with SEND

Once a concern has been raised (by the child, a parent, class teacher or the SENCo) the school may assess your child further to allow clearer identification of the nature of the need and therefore find the best way of ensuring appropriate provision.


School have access to a wide range of support services and professionals and further assessments may be requested by them when it is felt appropriate to do so.



All children who have special educational needs or disabilities have their progress carefully recorded and have specific targets set. These targets are recorded in a Pupil Centered Plan (PCP). They are regularly monitored and reviewed termly. New targets are set according to your child’s progress and current needs. Your child’s progress and targets can be discussed with class teachers or the SENCo at any time. Progress against these targets is also discussed with parents at a termly parents’ evening. 


Where your child has an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan), an annual review will also take place. This review will pull together reports from all professionals involved with your child and will be submitted to the Local Authority SEN Team.



We aim to meet the needs of our children primarily through high quality teaching strategies and differentiation; matching the way in which the curriculum is delivered to the needs of the children. As part of this, it may be necessary to offer further interventions to support your child's learning. These may include, for example: 

-fine or gross motor skills activities

-speech and language activities

-specific reading, writing, phonics or maths key skills teaching.

Some of these interventions may take place as part of our Rainbow Room activities with a teaching assistant who has received specific training.


Expertise and training of staff

  • Our SENCo, Beck Preece, has qualified in the National SENCo Award.
  • Each class has at least one full-time teaching assistant and we have a number of teaching assistants who are qualified to HLTA standard.
  • Our staff are trained in Read, Write, Inc (RWI) tutoring and further training happens when new staff take up posts within school.
  • Some members of staff are trained to deliver the Cool Kids programme.
  • One member of staff is trained in ELKLAN and Makaton.
  • Some members of staff are trained in Talk Boost, a programme to boost children's early vocabulary levels.
  • In December 2017, all of our staff received Tier 1 Autism Education Trust (AET) training. A teacher and 3 TAs have also completed Tier 2 AET training.
  • The SENCo and a TA received training in Sensory Processing Disorders in the Autumn 2019 and this information has now been cascaded and shared with the whole staff team.
  • All staff are trained in Read, Write, Inc and are able to deliver 1:1 tutoring.
  • Some staff have received NELI training.


Outside agencies

When appropriate we liaise with external agencies to gather advice and training around specific areas of need.  All of these agencies work closely with both school and parents. External agencies accessed by school include:

  • Educational Psychologists (EPs)
  • Health Support through NHS services
  • Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT)
  • Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy
  • Woodlands Outreach Services for
    • Learning Support
    • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Support
    • Autistic Spectrum Continuum Support
  • Specialist teacher service for visual, hearing and physical impairment
  • Emotional Health and Wellbeing Services (BEE-U)
  • SPECTRA Autism Inclusion Service
  • Shropshire Early Help


If you would like to discuss any aspect of our SEND provision please contact:

Beck Preece, our SENCo via or

Karen Matthews, our SEND Governor via the school admin email address admin@woodfield.shropshire.sch.


Specialist Provision

If your child already has a diagnosis of need and/or an EHCP and you are unsure whether or not a large mainstream school will be right for your child, please make an appointment to come and have a look around.


You may be considering more specialist provision. If so, there are a range of Specialist Provisions in Shropshire. A complete list can be found here.


Shropshire have a range of Specialist Resource Provisions or SEN Hubs. These are Specialist Provisions attached to mainstream schools.



Shrewsbury Cathedral School

St Lawrence (Church Stretton)

St Mary's Bluecoats (Bridgnorth)

Whittington (Oswestry)

Beam offer low level, brief intervention emotional wellbeing support for children and young people up to the age of 25 as well as their parents, carers and professionals


‘Drop in’ sessions are now running on the following days:- no appointment is needed, just drop in to talk with an emotional health and wellbeing Practitioner.


  • Monday ‘Drop Ins’ – 12pm – 4pm  (last session 3.15pm) at The Lantern, Meadow Farm Drive, Shrewsbury, SY1 4NG  
  • Tuesday ‘Drop Ins’ – 10am –6pm (last session 5.30pm) at Beam, 9 Market Square, Wellington, TF1 1BP  
  • Thursday ‘Drop Ins’ – 10am –6pm (last session 5.30pm) at Beam, 9 Market Square, Wellington, TF1 1BP




SEND Newsletters

June 2024

PACC-Shropshire Parent and Carer Council

Autism West Midlands-AWM

Shropshire Early Help SEND
