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Welcome to Woodfield Infant School

Happily learning together. Be Kind. Be Responsible. Be Hardworking. This is the Woodfield Way.

Early Years Curriculum

On this page you will find information about our EYFS curriculum; intent, implementation and impact. Information about the teaching and learning content of each half term can be found towards that bottom of the page.

A quote from one of our parents:


There is no reason for this email other than to compliment the incredible start to school life my son has experienced since joining you in September. Last week, he came home and told me all about Jackson Pollock and showed us the work he'd created inspired by the artist - incredible! His thirst for learning has skyrocketed and, thanks to the work being done this term with phonics, he can confidently write his name and he read his first book - blown away!

EYFS Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement



At Woodfield we aim to create a nurturing, caring and stimulating Early Years environment where children feel happy, safe and develop a love for learning.  We ensure that we draw upon our knowledge of child development and a number of Early Years pedagogies, to create a learning environment which is inspiring, encouraging and where children are actively involved with their learning.  We want our children to: use their own initiative, develop critical thinking, gain self-confidence and be problem-solvers.


We help each other to be the best we can be and ensure everybody feels a part of our Woodfield team through everyone demonstrating the behaviours stated in our motto:


Happily learning together.

Be kind, be responsible, be hardworking.

This is the Woodfield Way!


Alongside this, we also have our learning jungle and learning powers. The learning powers are: to concentrate, to be resilient, to be curious, to cooperate and to self-improve. These are skills that we feel are essential for children and adults to build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers and effective, confident learners with a passion for learning.




Teaching and Learning

We fully embrace the Ofsted definition (Ofsted Handbook 2015) of teaching:


‘Teaching in the early years should not be taken to imply a “top down” or formal way of working. It is a broad term that covers the many different ways in which adults help young children learn. It includes their interactions with children during planned and child-initiated play and activities: communicating and modelling language, showing, explaining, demonstrating, exploring ideas, encouraging, questioning, recalling, providing a narrative for what they are doing, facilitating and setting challenges.’


High Quality Interactions

Throughout the day, adults in the EYFS use a wide range of teaching methods to ensure the highest quality interactions whilst working with children such as:

-        creating opportunities for a child to make a contribution and to make choices in their learning.

-        scaffolding a child in order to support increasing independence and control.

-        asking questions to check or develop a child’s understanding.

-        working collaboratively as a co-player to solve problems and find answers.

-        providing formative feedback to help a child consolidate or extend their exploration and thinking further.



Our curriculum has been developed by taking account of Development Matters, Birth to 5 Matters, the Statutory EYFS Framework, and the National Curriculum for KS1 and 2. It also considers the needs of our children and community. It is a progressive curriculum, with high aspirations for all, a curriculum which gives the children a broad and exciting range of learning opportunities. We draw upon a range of carefully planned themes through which clear concepts, knowledge and skills are taught and developed. The knowledge, concepts and skills gained in EYFS are built upon in Year 1 and again in Year 2 and beyond.


Communication and Language

We recognise the importance of learning how to talk and communicate effectively with peers and adults.  Using our words, rather than actions, is a key life skill that we promote and encourage in school.  This communication skill is fundamental as we grow, beyond school life and in future employment.  Talk develops children’s thinking and understanding, which in turn promotes self-confidence, resilience and empathy, which support a child’s well-being.  Our enabling environments and warm, skilful adult interactions support the children’s communication and language development as they link learning to their play and exploration.


Reading and Phonics

Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and our aim is to encourage a love of reading.  Each week we carefully select a high quality text to be our book of the week. This provides both a stimulus for learning, enhances vocabulary and develops a love of reading.  Through this weekly focus, children begin to internalise new vocabulary, language patterns and begin to retell stories. Children also vote for a daily class story to encourage and promote reading for pleasure.


We follow the RWI programme to ensure a high quality, progressive and consistent approach to phonics across the school.  Children begin the RWI programme in nursery, where they are introduced to oral fred talk and Set 1 sounds. This continues into Reception where they continue to practise Set 1 and learn some Set 2 sounds. Some children will move on to Set 3 if they are ready by the end of the summer term. Children are encouraged to read at home regularly. They are given book bag books each week that match their phonic knowledge, and online access to their group reading book. This supports them to apply their learning, with the aim of becoming successful, confident and fluent readers.



Aligned with the rest of the school, we use the ‘Talk 4 Writing’ process to help develop young, imaginative, creative and effective writers. Talk 4 Writing supports children’s confidence to communicate through speech and develops their vocabulary.  It starts with the enjoyment of sharing story books as well as information texts, this is known as the imitation phase. It then goes on to develop the children’s writing through the innovation phase where children create their own versions of parts of the text before moving onto the invention phase, this is where the children write their own version of a text based upon the model used. This process encourages children to develop a love of writing as well as being a creative and exciting way to develop and accelerate children’s learning with their writing. In addition to this, we also ensure that children take part in shared and guided writing activities, which expose them to a variety of genres and give them a real purpose to write. This helps to motivate them whilst allowing them to apply their phonic knowledge and skills with increasing independence.



Children develop a love of maths through games, songs, rhymes, and play using concrete manipulatives, pictorial structures and representations. We have developed our maths teaching using the NCTEM programme for number and the White Rose Maths Scheme of work for shape, space and measure. High quality learning environments and meaningful interactions with adults in maths lessons and through everyday routines and provision help to embed mathematical knowledge and skills. 


Wider Curriculum

Weekly challenges and enhancements ensure that our learning environment provides exciting, purposeful and contextual activities to build on children’s natural curiosity. For example, building a boat for the Gingerbread Man to cross the river enables them to think like a ‘Scientist’ and ‘Engineer’ as they explore a range of materials and test out their own ideas.  Building further on our communication and talking focus, children will be encouraged to employ subject specific language and terminology during this time, and such vocabulary will be modelled by practitioners.


Enabling Environments

We firmly believe that the environment is the ‘third teacher’, as such, the learning environment in nursery and reception, in and out of doors, is planned to meet the requirements of all areas of learning, and is well organised into clearly-defined areas. 


The areas include:

•        attractive and comfortable places to read;

•        sand with a variety of equipment;

•        water with a variety of equipment;

•        mathematical and scientific equipment;

•        a message centre with a variety of paper and tools to mark make or write;

•        role play areas indoors and outdoors;

•        a variety of creative media such as paint, collage, junk materials;

•        malleable materials and equipment;

•        opportunities to use technology to enhance learning e.g. iPad, interactive screen, Beebots;

•        small world play areas focused on fantasy and real-life scenarios;

•        a variety of outdoor play equipment which allows children to develop skills across all 7 areas of learning outside.


Children are encouraged to use these areas and in a purposeful manner both with or without the presence of an adult. Areas are enhanced in response to children’s needs. Resources are organised in such a way that children are enabled to make informed choices, select independently what they need, and take responsibility for clearing away.


Visits and Visitors

  • Visits and visitors are carefully planned into our themes and enhance our curriculum by enabling children to have first-hand experience of places and activities not available in school. We aim to have at least one visit or visitor each term.
  • They introduce children to aspects of the world around them that they may not yet have experienced.
  • They contribute to the development of their confidence and independence.
  • They contribute to their social development through sharing an experience with their peers.
  • They can be of great benefit to their language development through discussion during and after the visit.
  • They enrich children’s enjoyment of school.
  • When parents take part in visits it may develop their knowledge of facilities in the area and allow them to participate more fully in aspects of their child’s education.



Our inclusive approach means that all children learn together as much as possible, but we have a range of additional interventions to support children with specific barriers to learning. This includes, for example, Talk Boost, a small group intervention programme which supports children with speech and language difficulties. 1:1 interventions are delivered to allow children to keep up, not catch up, in their phonic knowledge and skills.


Staff will adapt and modify learning and teaching for all children, based on their need. We value each child as a unique individual and are familiar with and meet all the requirements of relevant equal opportunities legislation regarding race, gender and disability. We work closely and in partnership with parents and any other involved agencies to meet the needs of our children through provision that is inclusive to all.



We follow our school behaviour and SEND policies when communicating to parents concerns about a child. The premise with these is to communicate concerns at the earliest point, so that support can be put in place to support the family and child with the issues faced.


Children with identified Special Educational needs and /or disabilities have a PCP, developed with the support of parents and any involved agencies. The SENCO monitors the progress of all children with SEND to ensure that they are benefitting from an appropriate curriculum which enables them to feel safe and secure, and to learn effectively. Where children with SEND are making poor progress, further assessment is undertaken or support sought.


Our inclusive approach means that, as much as possible, all children learn together, with adaptions or modifications for some children. Nevertheless, if we have children with SEND who have identified needs in their EHCP plans, it may be that learning takes place away from the classroom on some occasions. 


Parent Partnerships

We believe that learning starts at home and therefore value and welcome parental input at every opportunity. Great emphasis is placed on the home-school relationship and we strive to ensure that we are available to communicate and support parents in a range of ways. These include: face to face at the start/end of the day, phonecalls, parent stay and play sessions and certificates home celebrating success. We also offer parents the chance to come in and see their children in school for events such as class assembly and sports day.





The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) is completed at the end of Reception year and children are assessed to be working at ‘emerging’ or ‘expected’ for all 17 Early Learning Goals. Nursery and Reception baseline activities take place in the first few weeks of a child starting with us.


Once children begin Reception, phonic assessments are carried out approximately every 8 weeks, to check a child’s progress toward clear end points. These assessments inform our grouping and additional support for those who need it. 


During each assessment window, three times a year, teachers update the progress children have made onto Insight, which allows us to assess the impact of our curriculum and teaching and evaluate whether it has been successful. These termly assessment points help us identify children making slow, or no progress. In termly team pupil progress meetings, we identify children not on track, using the data from Insight, and specifically focus on their barriers to learning, putting actions and/or interventions in place in a timely manner.


We moderate our termly assessments through internal processes, moderation meetings with local primary schools, and with the wider school community via Trust moderation events.


Monitoring and Leadership

Regular monitoring of teaching and learning by school leaders ensures staff development, with specific training to develop practice and provision. Our regular monitoring of teaching, learning and our environment, includes regular coaching and feedback during RWI sessions.


When monitoring the adult role and success of our environment, we utilise tools such as: ECERS and the Leuven Scale of well-being and involvement. Tools such as these enable us to constantly reflect upon and improve the quality of teaching and learning and ultimately outcomes for our children.


The EYFS also holds regular supervision meetings with the EYFS team, which involve opportunities to reflect on their role, ongoing CPD and discussion of individual pupils and their needs. This is in addition to performance management meetings twice a year and whole school CPD, to ensure that staff are confident in supporting children within the wider school, but also within the EYFS.


Outcomes for Children

Children in the EYFS at Woodfield demonstrate positive attitudes to learning through high levels of curiosity, concentration and enjoyment. They listen and respond positively to adults and each other. Children developing resilience to set backs and take pride in their achievements. Children are beginning to manage their own feelings and behaviour, understanding how these have an impact on others. They are developing a sense of right from wrong. Children play and learn co-operatively, taking into account our school motto and learning jungle characters. Our good level of development is consistently above national outcomes. 

Woodfield's EYFS Curriculum Planning

Throughout the year, our teachers plan an exciting, hands on curriculum for the children in Early Years. In EYFS, learning follows the children's interests, therefore, though the main learning will remain the same each year, the contexts for learning will change depending on the interested of each cohort. 


Each half term, we send out a parents' planner for Reception. These A3 sheets take the contexts for learning and develop them, showing what children are learning in all areas of the curriculum. They also give parents ideas for family visits that link to what children are learning in school and enables parents to support their childs' learning at home. An example of the planners can be seen here:

Parents have told us that these planners are helpful to bring about discussions with their children about what they are learning at school. They also enable parents to carry out any out of school learning with their children. We don't set photocopiable sheets as homework for children as we believe that these are of extremely limited benefit in moving children's learning on. Instead, we prefer that parents discuss what their children are learning in school (using the planners as above) and extend their learning further. For example, when children are learning about dinosaurs, you could visit Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery or The Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre and explore what dinosaurs looked like, how dinosaurs lived, what they looked like etc. Visits such as these really promote the speaking and listening skills of the children and give them the confidence to come into school and share what they have found out.


Further examples of these planners can be found below:

EYFS Read, Write, Inc Information

Baseline Assessment Information

Early Learning Goals

These early learning goals are the expected level of achievement by the end of Reception. At the end of the year we use these goals to assess your child’s level of development. If they are confident and secure within these goals they are assessed as expected. If they are working towards these goals they are emerging and if they are working above these goals they are exceeding. These assessments are based on what the child can do independently.

Oral Health Parent Powerpoint

First Aid Information
