Physical Education (PE)
At Woodfield Infant School our PE curriculum is fully inclusive and allows all pupils to access a range of physical activities. We provide a safe and supportive environment for children to flourish throughout their PE lessons, which is essential in supporting their physical, emotional, social and moral development. All children at Woodfield have the opportunity to enjoy being physically active and take part in different activities and situations alone, in small groups and in teams. We aspire for children to adopt a positive mind-set and believe that anything can be achieved with resilience and determination, relating to our Learning Powers. Our pupils will understand how to collaborate and cooperate as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and equality of play to embed life-long values. We provide children with opportunities to be creative and imaginative in their techniques and tactics.
Woodfield Infant School provides a PE curriculum taught through the use of ‘The PE Hub’, which is in-line with the National Curriculum. The PE scheme provides a strong basis of what is expected in each year group from EYFS through to Year Two. Throughout KS1 all pupils take part in two PE sessions a week of high quality physical activity, which provides challenge, enjoyable learning and a range of sporting activities. Where possible children will make cross curricular links to other subjects. For example, Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA) can be linked with the geography curriculum; and exploring themes and rhythm of music within dance. Each lesson, children are given the opportunity to practise skills in a variety of ways and each lesson builds upon the previous skills, allowing them time to embed it.
Foundation Stage (EYFS)
EYFS receive daily access to activities indoors and outdoors that build on their fine and gross motor development as well as their 1 hour a week PE session. We encourage children to be active and use games, songs, dances and yoga within the classroom, hall and outdoor learning environment. Children have opportunities to develop their fundamental skills and apply these in our school sports day event.
Our EYFS PE sessions takes place weekly and follows the scheme ‘The PE Hub’ in line with the rest of the school. Each unit of work provides teachers with a clear activity plan that can be differentiated in order to meet the needs of all pupils.
KS1 (Year 1 and 2)
All children take part in 2 PE lessons every week where learning builds upon prior knowledge and skills. Children in KS1 are timetabled for 2 hours of physical activity lessons covering gymnastics, dance, games and the fundamental skills. These lessons are planned from the scheme of work called ‘The PE Hub’. These lessons focus on the development of agility, balance and coordination, throwing and catching, defending and attacking, healthy competition against themselves and others, and cooperative learning. They allow all children to develop a range of abilities that will not only help them succeed in sport but in life. We build in opportunities for short bursts of activity and mindfulness, using a range of resources such as Go Noodle and Cosmic Yoga.
All pupils at Woodfield Infants are taught how to handle equipment, use it correctly and move safely within gymnastics and games. During these lessons, there is reference to our Learning Powers and emphasis on pupils being able to achieve their personal best and build resilience. Pupils are taught how to play fairly, develop teamwork skills and show respect towards other teams and individuals.
Vocabulary is reinforced by teachers through the use of knowledge organisers within the specific area of teaching. This is to provide pupils with the correct terminology, key questions and prior learning. Throughout the PE curriculum, children are encouraged to use our ‘Learning Powers’. For example, the children will need to work collaboratively in teams with their peers demonstrating ‘Sadie the Squirrel’ learning behaviours. They will need to be resilient when learning new skills just like Albert the Armadillo.
Special Educational Needs and PE
Effective quality first teaching is the key to enabling all children to participate and develop within physical activities. Inclusive PE incorporates everyone who can safely be included in a general PE class.
Support specific to PE may include:
- Engaging activities
- Eliminate time limits
- Modify the purpose of the activity
- Use of models to show the activity visually
- Lighter equipment
- Larger scoring areas
- Balance support
Pupils not secure within a PE lesson are noted and adjustments made to the differentiation or level of support given. Similarly, added challenge is given to those pupils requiring it. This may be through questioning, modelling, or more elements to a sequence.
Our PE curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children at Woodfield Infants School. Children enjoy their PE sessions and recognise the impact of physical activity on their bodies and can talk about healthy living. This is monitored through pupil voice feedback