Woodland School
Woodfield Woodland School
Our belief at Woodfield is that our Woodland School is an inspirational learning opportunity which offers all children opportunities to develop confidence and self-esteem, through hands on learning experiences in our onsite woodland area. Woodland School is an approach that sits within and compliments the wider context of curriculum learning. All children at Woodfield access Woodland School each year throughout their time with us. We go out in all weathers, rain or shine!
Our Woodland School has a permanent hose pipe and water butt to supply our water for cooking in the kitchen and for filling the mud pit. We have a swing, balancing bars, a throne, reading area and a lovely willow shelter.
Some may think we are just playing outside . . . however the skills the children are experiencing are endless; they are developing physically, socially, cognitively, linguistically, emotionally and spiritually; but most of all Woodland School allows the children to foster a relationship with, and love of, nature which we hope they will take forward with them into the future.
Each half term, our Woodland School sessions link to what the children have been learning about in other areas of the curriculum. For more information about what children are learning in Woodland School this year, please have a look at our planning overview below. These activities are a guide but we will also cover other activities during the same sessions.